Final Answer:
(a) If ≤ is an order relation on P, then < is an antireflexive and transitive relation. (b) If < is antireflexive and transitive, then ≤:=<∪= is an order relation.
Step-by-step explanation:
(a) To prove that < is antireflexive, consider any element p in P. Since p≤p (as ≤ is an order relation), it implies p cannot be less than itself, making < antireflexive. Now, to show transitivity, let p₁, p₂, and p₃ be elements in P such that p₁ < p₂ and p₂ < p₃. This implies p₁ ≤ p₂ and p₂ ≤ p₃. By the transitivity of ≤, we have p₁ ≤ p₃, and thus, p₁ < p₃, proving the transitivity of <.
(b) Assume < is antireflexive and transitive. The relation ≤ is defined as ≤ := < ∪ =. To show that ≤ is an order relation, we need to prove three properties: reflexivity, antisymmetry, and transitivity. Referring to the definition of ≤, it includes the equality relation (=).
Since < is antireflexive, and ≤ includes =, it automatically satisfies reflexivity. Antisymmetry is inherited from <, as it is antireflexive. Finally, transitivity of ≤ is guaranteed by the transitivity of <, as well as the fact that = is transitive. Therefore, ≤ is an order relation.