A - The social group appears to be a harem or one-male polygyny system, typical of gorillas.
B - The social group is likely a monogamous family group, which is common among gibbons.
What are these primates?
For group A, it shows several gorillas together. Gorillas typically live in groups known as troops or bands. These groups are usually composed of one dominant adult male, multiple adult females, and their offspring. This social structure is referred to as a harem or one-male polygyny system, where the dominant male, often a silverback, protects the group and has exclusive breeding rights with the females.
For group B, it shows two gibbons sitting close together. Gibbons are known for forming strong pair bonds and are generally monogamous, living in small family groups consisting of a mated pair and their juvenile offspring. This type of social structure is known as a monogamous family group.