To calculate the Class Average of Percentile Ranks, add the percentile ranks for each student in a specific category (e.g., Fluency) and divide by the number of students.
The steps are:
- Create a dictionary to store data.
- Calculate the class average for each category.
- Calculate the percentage of students above average.
- Calculate the range of percentile ranks.
- Print the results to the console.
How to fill this chart?
For the Percentage of Class at or above average (PR 50), count the number of students with a percentile rank equal to or higher than 50, then divide by the total number of students.
The Range of Percentile Ranks is the difference between the highest and lowest percentile ranks in each category.
For Fluency, the Class Average is: (56+56+77+60+88+43+33+14+82+67+41+52+36+33+48+77+92+99+19+92+72)/22 = 61.9.
The Percentage at or above average is 14/22 = 63.6%.
The Range is 92-14 = 78.
So, Repeat this process for other categories.