Steno's Laws which are illustrated by each of the following images are;
Image A : Law of Superposition
Image B : Law of Lateral Continuity
Image C : Law of Original Horizontality
Image D : Law of Cross-Cutting Relationships
What does Steno's Laws state in each image?
According to Steno's laws;
Image A illustrates the Law of Superposition, which states that in any undisturbed sequence of rocks deposited in layers, the youngest layer is on top and the oldest on the bottom. Each layer is younger than the layer beneath it.
Image B demonstrates the Law of Lateral Continuity, which posits that layers of sediment initially extend laterally in all directions; in other words, they are laterally continuous. Even if there is a valley cutting through the layers, as in the panel, you can assume that the layers once continued across the gap.
Image C illustrates the principle that sedimentary rock layers are originally deposited in horizontal layers (the Law of Original Horizontality). Any observed layers that are not horizontal have been altered from their original condition, indicating that some later geological event has tilted them.
Image D shows the Law of Cross-Cutting Relationships, which states that if a body of rock cuts through another, the body that has been cut must be older. Therefore, the igneous intrusion depicted must be younger than the sedimentary layers it cuts across.