Final Answer:
The formation of soil in Ethiopia is influenced by factors such as climate, topography, parent material, organisms, and time. The major types of soil in Ethiopia include Nitisols, Vertisols, Andisols, Lu-viso-ls, and Cambisols.
Step-by-step explanation:
Soil formation in Ethiopia is a complex process shaped by several factors. Climate plays a crucial role, with temperature and precipitation influencing weathering rates. Topography affects water drainage, ero-sion, and soil depth. Parent material, the original geological material, contributes to soil composition. Biological activity, including plant growth and microbial action, also influences soil development. Over time, these factors lead to the formation of distinct soil horizons.
In Ethiopia, the major soil types include Nitisols (rich in nutrients), Vertisols (high clay content, prone to cracking), Andisols (volcanic ash-derived, fertile), Lu-viso-ls (well-drained, found in highlands), and Cambisols (developed through horizon differentiation). Each soil type has specific characteristics that influence agriculture and ecosystems in the region.