The null hypothesis (H0) would typically be that there is no significant difference between this year's class and the overall population. In mathematical notation, this would be expressed as:
H0: μ = 82
Where μ represents the population mean.
The alternative hypothesis (H1) would then be that there is a significant difference between this year's class and the overall population. In mathematical notation, this would be expressed as:
H1: μ ≠ 82
This indicates that the mean of the current year's class is not equal to the population mean. Alternatively, if you suspect that the current class may have a higher mean than the population, you could use the alternative hypothesis:
H1: μ > 82
Or if you suspect the current class may have a lower mean than the population, you could use the alternative hypothesis:
H1: μ < 82
These alternative hypotheses would depend on the specific research question or the directionality of the suspected difference.