Quality speaks to style
Have you ever had a hangover of cheap wine? Not pretty.
Also, a glass of good quality champagne or wine makes a good impression. It shows you want the best for your customers, which will be reflected in the overall perception of your business. Cheap plonk will put people off and says you’re not interested. So our advice is to give out the best quality alcohol you can afford at events. And if you must serve it in plastic containers (for safety reasons), at least use plastic champagne flutes or glasses, and NOT the kind of plastic cups used at kid’s parties.
Promote, promote, promote
Spread the word and invite people to join you for a glass of cava (which is the same as champagne, but cheaper *wink*) or wine. This is especially useful if you’re at a trade show or conference and have a stand serving drinks. It’s a great technique to get people to visit your stand, and then you can decide whether to go for the hard or soft sell.
Serve food as well
A few appetisers or snacks will ensure people aren’t drinking on an empty stomach. Small stylish bites to eat are also another way to feed your guests and wow them at the same time. Here are some on-trend ideas for appetisers you could serve at your next event.
Make sure you’re licensed to serve alcohol
At large trade shows this should be covered with no problems. But if you plan to serve a glass of wine to visitors somewhere like a shopping centre you need to check you’re legally allowed to do this. The same applies to other events, such as school fairs, conferences, and street shows. No matter where you are if you don’t have a licence to serve alcohol, you could end up with a big fine.