We can first convert the mixed numbers into informal fractions to make this simpler. 2 1/5 becomes 11/5 and - 1/10 is already an informal fraction and therefore will stay the same. Now we can use the classic elementary “keep, change, flip” to simplify our work. Our equation is now:
11/5 / - 1/10
Adding keep change flip we have:
11/5 x - 10/1
First we can acknowledge that since there is one negative that we will have a negative answer.
Next we can multiply the numerators:
11 x 10 = 110
Then we can multiply the denominators:
5 x 1 = 5
Putting this together our answer is:
- 110/5
However we should simplify this. The simplified form of the answer is:
So the answer to this equation is -22.