Final answer:
This question and answer set is about various terms and concepts in social studies, such as executive orders, jurisdiction, bills, pardon, partisan, diplomacy, Supreme Court, cloture, gerrymandering, and judicial review.
Step-by-step explanation:
- Bills - To proposed laws for citizens.
- Gerrymandering - The drawing of district boundaries for political gain.
- Cloture - The vote to end debate of a bill in the Senate.
- Judicial review - The power of the judicial branch to check the power of the legislative.
- Diplomacy - The art of negotiating with foreign country.
- Executive orders - The signed statements from the president that instruct or guide executive officials about the law.
- Supreme Court - A court's authority to hear and decide a case.
- Pardon - An official act by the president or by a governor forgiving a person from his or her crime committed.
- Partisan - A person who showed his or her support for their own party.
- Cloture - The vote to end debate of a bill in the Senate.
Learn more about Various terms and concepts in social studies