It took Mr. Ledesma 30742 strides to finish the race.
Since Mr. Ledesma walks 1.5 yards per stride and the total distance of the marathon is 46112 yards, we can use a proportion to determine how many strides (x) it took him complete the race in a direct line:
46112 yd / x strides = 1.5 yd / 1 stride
(46112/x = 1.5) * x
(46112 = 1.5x) / 1.5
Strides = 30741.33333
- Mr. Ledesma can't walk a fraction of a stride and usually we'd round down to 30741.
- However, 30741 * 1.5 = 46111.5 yd, meaning 30741 strides wouldn't be enough to finish the race.
- If we round up, we get 30742 * 1.5 = 46113 yd.
This means that it would take Mr. Ledesma 30742 strides to complete the race in a direct line.