In Alexandra Diaz's novel, "The Only Road," Angela's apprehension during a bus search can be attributed to several factors, making it a pivotal moment in the story. The book follows the journey of two young characters, Jaime and Angela, as they endeavor to escape perilous conditions in their home country and embark on a challenging voyage to the United States. Here are some potential explanations for Angela's anxiety when their bus undergoes a search:
1. Concern about exposure: Angela and Jaime are undocumented immigrants seeking entry into the United States, and they are traveling covertly to avoid detection or deportation. The prospect of the bus search potentially revealing their true identities or intentions is a cause for distress, as it could result in detention or deportation.
2. Apprehension regarding safety: Angela may be distressed that a search conducted by authorities or fellow passengers could lead to perilous consequences for both herself and Jaime. Given the circumstances they face, encountering law enforcement or unsympathetic individuals is a significant source of anxiety.
3. Uncertainty about the search process: Angela may not be familiar with what to expect during a bus search, which heightens her unease. She might fear that the search could expose their concealed identities or possessions, including documents or personal items relevant to their journey.
4. Distrust: Angela and Jaime may be cautious about placing their trust in others, including fellow passengers, due to the necessity of maintaining secrecy. The bus search could exacerbate their suspicion of those around them, contributing to their overall unease.
5. Vulnerability: The characters in "The Only Road" find themselves in a vulnerable position, fleeing from violence and instability in their home country. Angela's nervousness may stem from the persistent fear and uncertainty that accompany their arduous journey.
It's important to read the novel to gain a comprehensive understanding of the specific reasons behind Angela's nervousness during this particular scene. Her emotions are likely a reflection of the perils and obstacles that countless individuals face when attempting to immigrate under challenging conditions.