Once I was on a play date with a cousin when I was 5 turning 6 in a few days old. She was playing with her doll while I was playing on my mom's phone. The next day her mom and her come back to my house. She was crying and her mom was angry. Turns out she was accusing me of taking my cousin's doll. When that happed My mom and my aunt decided to check my room. Of couse, they didn't find any of her dolls in my room and dropped suspicion on me. When they went home my mom suddenly called me downstairs to tell me that it was just lost in their house and they found it under her bed. I was put on a lot of distrust from my aunt, cousin, and even mother. So, as a present for accusing me, I got money for my birthday. I also have that trump card when they accuse me again. I haven't used it yet, but I will.
171 words hope that helps