Final answer:
Compound adverbs modify various parts of speech and indicate different aspects of the sentence.
Step-by-step explanation:
1. Anyway, this is not a good idea. - Anyway modifies the sentence as a whole, indicating a transition or contrast in ideas. It does not specifically modify a verb, adjective, or adverb in this sentence.
2. They stopped midway. - Midway is a compound adverb that modifies the verb 'stopped', indicating the location where they stopped.
3. They walked hand in hand. - Hand in hand is a compound adverb that modifies the verb 'walked', indicating how they walked together.
4. The little boy fell asleep. - There are no compound adverbs in this sentence.
5. - No sentence provided.
6. - No sentence provided.
7. The loan can be returned interest free. - Interest free is a compound adverb that modifies the verb 'returned', indicating how the loan can be returned without any interest.
This is, in fact, a good book. - In fact is a compound adverb that modifies the verb 'is', providing emphasis or support for the statement.
At last, the taxi arrived. - At last is a compound adverb that modifies the verb 'arrived', indicating the time or duration it took for the taxi to arrive.
Learn more about Compound adverbs