he noticed that the beam of atoms was deflected. This observation led Thompson to propose the existence of negatively charged particles within atoms, which he called electrons. Thompson's experiment provided evidence for the existence of subatomic particles and laid the foundation for the development of the atomic theory.
Step-by-step explanation:
To explain the deflection of the atom beam, Thompson proposed the Plum Pudding Model. According to this model, atoms consist of a positively charged "pudding" with negatively charged electrons embedded in it like "plums." The deflection of the atom beam indicated that the negatively charged electrons were being repelled by the magnet's magnetic field.
Thompson's experiment and subsequent discovery of the electron revolutionized our understanding of atomic structure. It showed that atoms were not indivisible, as previously believed, but instead composed of smaller particles. The concept of subatomic particles paved the way for further advancements in atomic theory and the understanding of the fundamental building blocks of matter.
Overall, JJ Thompson's observation of the deflection of a beam of atoms by a magnet was a significant milestone in the development of atomic theory, as it provided evidence for the existence of electrons within atoms.
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