1. An accurate interpretation of the document is that (D) intermarriage between Spaniards and Amerindians blurred racial lines. The passage describes the Mestizos as the descendants of Spaniards and Indians. It states that some Mestizos have a tawny complexion similar to the Indians, while others have a fine complexion that could make them pass for Whites. However, certain signs or marks can reveal their mixed heritage upon closer observation. The passage indicates that the Mestizos make up a significant portion of the population, around one-third of the inhabitants. This suggests that intermarriage between Spaniards and Amerindians led to a blending of racial lines and the emergence of a mixed-race population.
2. The situation described in the document led to (A) a new form of social hierarchy in South America. The intermarriage between Spaniards and Amerindians and the resulting Mestizo population challenged traditional social hierarchies based solely on racial categories. The emergence of Mestizos with mixed heritage created a new social group that did not neatly fit into existing racial classifications. As a result, a new form of social hierarchy developed to accommodate this mixed-race population and address the complexities of their racial identities. This new social hierarchy likely included a range of social and economic positions for Mestizos, with some achieving higher status and others facing discrimination and marginalization.
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