a¹²b⁴, a⁴b⁸, a²⁴b¹⁶ and a¹²b²⁰.
To find:
The GCF of given terms.
Greatest common factor (GCF): To find the GCF of two or more numbers, we need to find the product of their prime factor with their maximum powers.
The given terms are
![a^(12)b^(4),a^(4)b^8, a^(24)b^(16), a^(12)b^(20)](
Here, each term has two prime factors a and b. The highest power of a is 24 and the highest power of b is 20. So, the GCF of given terms is
![GCF=a^(24)* b^(20)](
Therefore, the GCF of a¹²b⁴, a⁴b⁸, a²⁴b¹⁶ and a¹²b²⁰ is a²⁴b²⁰.