See below.
Step-by-step explanation:
Car: A four-wheeled motor vehicle.
Examples: Sedan, SUV, Convertible.
Dog: A domesticated canine animal.
Examples: Labrador Retriever, Poodle, German Shepherd.
Book: A physical or digital publication.
Examples: Novel, Textbook, Magazine.
City: A large, permanent human settlement.
Examples: New York City, Tokyo, Paris.
Mountain: A natural elevation of the Earth's surface.
Examples: Mount Everest, the Rocky Mountains, the Alps.
Red: Of a color resembling that of blood.
Examples: Red rose, Red apple, Red shirt.
Fast: Moving or capable of moving quickly.
Examples: Fast car, Fast runner, Fast internet connection.
Small: Of limited size or quantity.
Examples: Small house, Small dog, Small portion.
Ancient: Belonging to a time long past.
Examples: Ancient civilization, Ancient artifact, Ancient ruins.
Delicious: Highly pleasing to the taste or smell.
Examples: Delicious meal, Delicious chocolate, Delicious aroma.