The Story
A mother, brother, and sister lived a long time ago. The mother went to the party one day to assist. "Keep a close eye on the house. I'll bring some delicious pancakes and rice cakes," the mother said. The brother and sister waited for their mother while thinking about the rice cakes.
The mountain had turned dark. The woman was hurrying home, worrying about her children, when she noticed a dark shadow. It was a terrifying tiger. "If you feed me a rice cake, I won't eat you up," the tiger remarked. The mother fed the tiger a rice cake before sending it into the wild, but the tiger kept asking for more and eventually killed the mother.
The tiger dressed like his mother and entered the house. The children ran to the gate, thinking their mother had returned, but were horrified to see the tiger dressed in their mother's attire. The tiger's claws were keen, and the tiger's teeth were terrifying. The youngsters shivered as they clutched each other. They dashed to the backyard and climbed a tree.
"Children!" the tiger called out as he approached the tree. "How did you get to the top of the tree?" The kids soon responded, "We used some sesame oil and came up." He tried to climb the tree with the sesame oil between his paws, but he slipped and fell. The kids were amused by the tiger. "You should have used the axe!" the girl screamed.
The tiger began climbing the tree with an axe. The children were almost killed by the tiger's little paw. "Oh, my God!" “If you want to save us, send down a heavy rope; if you don't want to save us, send down a bare rope," the boy said. The children prayed with their eyes closed.
Suddenly, from the heavens, a thick rope fell. "Send down a thick rope if you want to save us, or send down a bare rope if you don't want to save us!" begged the tiger. From the heavens, a bare rope fell. The tiger had no idea the rope was bare. The tiger died after falling, but no one knew what happened to the kids.
Both of them flew high into the sky. And the God gave the powers to them. The boy was transformed into the Sun while the sister was transformed into the Moon!
Did you love the story? If yes, there’s something more for you. Here’s another story of the Sun and the Moon.
Step-by-step explanation: