$23,502 (rounded to the nearest dollar).
To calculate Franklin Stewart's taxable income, you need to subtract certain deductions and tax credits from his gross salary. Here's how you can do it:
Calculate the total deductions and credits:
Basic personal amount: $14,398
Union dues: $7,920
Eligible childcare expenses: $1,480
Total deductions and credits = $14,398 + $7,920 + $1,480 = $23,798
Subtract the total deductions and credits from the gross salary:
Taxable income = Gross salary - Total deductions and credits
Taxable income = $47,300 - $23,798
Now, calculate the taxable income:
Taxable income = $47,300 - $23,798 = $23,502
So, Franklin Stewart will report a taxable income of $23,502 (rounded to the nearest dollar).