When you create several layers in one composition and then put that into a second composition, this is called precomposing.
Explanation:Precomposing is a technique in video editing and motion graphics where multiple layers are grouped together into a single composition, which can then be treated as a single layer in another composition. It allows you to organize and manage complex projects by nesting multiple layers within a separate composition, making it easier to manipulate and animate them as a single unit. By precomposing layers, you can apply effects, transformations, or animations to the entire group of layers, rather than adjusting each layer individually. This can save time and make your workflow more efficient, especially when working with intricate compositions that involve multiple layers and effects. To precompose layers, you typically select the layers you want to group, right-click, and choose the "Pre-compose" or "Precomposition" option from the menu. You can then name the new composition and decide whether to move all attributes or leave the attributes in the original composition. In summary, precomposing is the process of combining multiple layers into a single composition, which can then be used as a single layer within another composition. It is a useful technique for organizing and manipulating complex projects in video editing and motion graphics.