Sounds like an important project. I can help you out with some ideas but you have to do the actual writing and formatting of the newspaper so you dont get called out for plagiarism.
Here are some possible topics and headlines for your newspaper, based on the innovations and cultural achievements that affected American life during the 1920s:
The Rise of the Automobile: How Cars Changed America. This article could explore how the mass production of affordable cars by Henry Ford and others led to a boom in car ownership, which in turn affected the economy, society, and culture of the nation. You could mention how cars enabled more mobility, leisure, and independence for Americans, as well as how they created new industries, jobs, and infrastructure. You could also discuss some of the challenges and drawbacks of car culture, such as traffic, pollution, accidents, and crime.
The Jazz Age: The Music that Shook the World. This article could examine how jazz music emerged as a new and influential form of art and expression in the 1920s, especially among African Americans and young people. You could describe the origins, characteristics, and styles of jazz music, as well as some of the famous musicians and composers who shaped it, such as Louis Armstrong, Duke Ellington, Bessie Smith, and George Gershwin. You could also explain how jazz music reflected and influenced the social and cultural changes of the decade, such as urbanization, modernization, consumerism, and rebellion.
The Flapper: The New Woman of the 1920s. This article could focus on how women’s roles and identities changed dramatically in the 1920s, both in the public and private spheres. You could mention how women gained more political rights with the passage of the 19th Amendment in 1920, which granted them the right to vote. You could also discuss how women challenged traditional norms and expectations of femininity by adopting new fashions, hairstyles, behaviors, and attitudes that expressed their freedom, independence, and sexuality. You could use the term “flapper” to describe this new type of woman who embraced modernity and fun.
The Harlem Renaissance: A Cultural Explosion. This article could highlight how the 1920s witnessed a remarkable flowering of artistic and intellectual activity among African Americans in Harlem, New York City. You could introduce some of the prominent writers, artists, activists, and thinkers who contributed to this movement, such as Langston Hughes, Zora Neale Hurston, W.E.B. Du Bois, Marcus Garvey, Aaron Douglas, and Alain Locke. You could also explore how their works celebrated black culture and identity, challenged racism and discrimination, and inspired social change.
The Prohibition Era: The Noble Experiment that Failed. This article could analyze how the 18th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution in 1919 banned the manufacture, sale, and transportation of alcohol in the nation, sparking a social experiment that had unintended consequences. You could explain why some Americans supported prohibition as a way to improve morality, health, and safety in society, while others opposed it as a violation of personal freedom and choice. You could also describe how prohibition led to the rise of organized crime, bootlegging, speakeasies, corruption, violence, and civil disobedience. You could conclude by mentioning how prohibition was repealed by the 21st Amendment in 1933.
These are just some examples of possible topics and headlines for your newspaper. You can use them as they are or modify them according to your preferences. You can also add more topics or details if you wish.
Good luck!!