To determine if Riley and Sasha should pay for their yogurt together or separately to pay a lower price, we need to compare the prices for their respective weights.
Riley's yogurt weighs 8.641 ounces, which falls within the range of 5.001 to 10.0 ounces. According to the table, the price for this weight range is $3.89.
Sasha's yogurt weighs 5.77 ounces, which also falls within the range of 5.001 to 10.0 ounces. Therefore, the price for Sasha's yogurt is also $3.89.
If Riley and Sasha pay separately, they would each pay $3.89. However, if they pay together, they can combine their weights and potentially pay a lower price.
By adding the weights of both yogurts, we get a total weight of 14.411 ounces. This total weight falls within the range of 10.001 to 15.0 ounces. According to the table, the price for this weight range is $5.29.
Therefore, if Riley and Sasha pay for their yogurt together, they can take advantage of the lower price range and pay $5.29 instead of $3.89 each.
In conclusion, Riley and Sasha should pay for their yogurt together to pay a lower price. By combining their weights, they can access a lower price range and save money.