Comparing decimals is a process of determining which decimal is larger or smaller. To compare decimals, you can follow these steps using the numbers 6.75 and 6.732 as examples:
1. **Start from the left:** Begin by comparing the digits to the left of the decimal point (the whole numbers). In this case, both numbers are 6, so they are equal in the whole number part.
2. **Move to the right:** After comparing the whole numbers, move to the right of the decimal point. Compare the digits in the tenths place (the first digit to the right of the decimal point). In this example, 6.75 has a 7 in the tenths place, and 6.732 has a 7 in the tenths place. These digits are the same, so move to the next place.
3. **Continue moving to the right:** Keep moving to the right and compare the digits in the hundredths place (the second digit to the right of the decimal point). In this example, 6.75 has a 5 in the hundredths place, and 6.732 has a 3 in the hundredths place. Now you can see that 6.75 is greater than 6.732 because 5 is greater than 3.
So, in this comparison, 6.75 is greater than 6.732 because, in the hundredths place, 5 is greater than 3. This process applies to comparing any two decimal numbers, from left to right, digit by digit, until you find a difference that determines which decimal is greater.