Step-by-step explanation:
central nervous system and peripheral nervous system or two components of The nervous system basically in the central nervous system in compromises of brain and spinal cord and the peripheral nervous system are nerves which lie outside the brain and spinal cord when we look at this question we could see that there are different parts to the Brain the four brain midbrain and the Hind brain the four brain can be divided into four main parts which is divided by the longitudinal fisher which is the most prominent pattern the lobes of present in our cerebrum and it has 4 major parts we have front Allo parietal lobe parital lobe hospital lobe and temporal lobe and then we have the next question. sorry components of the reflex arc are the stimulus receptor sensory neurone inter neurone motor neurone and a factor which is connected to the muscle and the gland. so when the electrical impulses reaches the gland or the muscles some arrangement in the proteins and fibres must take place so the proteins which are present in our muscle is known as the myosin as well as actin and when the electrical impulse reaches the muscle the muscle fibres have some change in the shape which is internally regulated by the muscle proteins and it makes different arrangement in a way that the contraction and relaxation of muscles happen and hands that how we regulate the muscle to any stimulus.