There is no question that we are living in times of restoration. Never before was God so active as in the past century in restoring what needs to be restored.
Both Israel and the Church have experienced extended periods of divine restoration. God is surely not at the end of this process, as the Word of God tells us the best is yet to come. These are truly exciting days to be alive.
A God of Restoration
Restoration is certainly a theme for the last days. But it also characterizes God’s work throughout history.
Jesus’s ministry on earth was one of restoration. He restored the health and well-being of countless people in Israel. He desired to restore sinners and lepers back to society. Freedom was restored to the demon-possessed as they were set free by the power of His word.
After His death on Calvary and then His resurrection, millions of people from all tribes and tongues have been restored to a relationship with their God and Creator.
Families have been restored, broken marriages have been mended. Many have experienced financial restoration. And even emotionally wounded people have experienced the restoring power of the Holy Spirit.