Judges decide what the Constitution means through a process called constitutional interpretation. This process involves various approaches, including:
1. **Textualism:** Interpreting the Constitution based on the plain language and original intent of the framers.
2. **Originalism:** Focusing on the original understanding and historical context of the Constitution at the time of its drafting.
3. **Pragmatism:** Considering the Constitution as a living document and adapting its interpretation to contemporary societal needs and values.
4. **Precedent:** Relying on past court decisions, especially those of higher courts, to guide their interpretation.
5. **Balancing Tests:** Weighing competing interests and rights to make decisions that are equitable and just.
Ultimately, constitutional interpretation is influenced by the specific judge's judicial philosophy and the court's precedents. Different judges and courts may approach it differently, which can lead to diverse interpretations of the Constitution.