To determine where the decimal points should be in the factors for the multiplication problem, we need to first calculate the product of 487 and 512 and compare it to the result, 24.9344. Since Jemirah copied the result without the decimal points, we have to place the decimal points in the correct positions to make the equation accurate.
Let's work it out:
487 x 512 = 248,384
Now, compare this result with the given value, 24.9344. There are multiple possible positions for the decimal points, but only one position will make the equation correct.
The decimal point in 248,384 can be placed in different positions. Here are a few possibilities:
2483.84 x 100 = 24,834 (One position for the decimal point, multiplying by 100)
248.384 x 1000 = 248,384 (One position for the decimal point, multiplying by 1000)
24.8384 x 10,000 = 248,384 (One position for the decimal point, multiplying by 10,000)
24838.4 x 0.01 = 248.384 (One position for the decimal point, multiplying by 0.01)
So, there are multiple correct positions for the decimal points in the factors, and the equation could be:
2483.84 x 100 = 24.9344
248.384 x 1000 = 24.9344
24.8384 x 10,000 = 24.9344
24838.4 x 0.01 = 24.9344
These are just a few examples. There may be other valid positions for the decimal points as well.
20 examples
248.384 x 1000 = 248,384
24.8384 x 10,000 = 248,384
24838.4 x 0.01 = 248.384
2.48384 x 10000 = 24838.4
2.48384 x 1000 = 2483.84
2.48384 x 100 = 248.384
24.8384 x 1000 = 24838.4
24.8384 x 100 = 2483.84
2483.84 x 100 = 248,384
2.48384 x 10000 = 24838.4
24.8384 x 10000 = 248,384
2.48384 x 100000 = 248,384
248384 x 0.001 = 248.384
248.384 x 100 = 24838.4
248.384 x 10000 = 2,483,840
248.384 x 10 = 2,483.84
2.48384 x 1000 = 2,483.84
2.48384 x 100000 = 248,384
2.48384 x 10000 = 24,838.4
24.8384 x 100000 = 2,483,840
These examples illustrate the various valid positions for the decimal points in the factors to make the equation correct.