Short Answer:
When I was 10, I got a severe flu. I woke up in the middle of the night with a high fever, aching muscles, and a pounding headache. My mom was immediately by my side, taking my temperature and comforting me.
She tucked me in, made me herbal tea with honey, and cared for me tirelessly over the next few days. She made chicken soup, ensured I stayed hydrated, and kept me entertained with stories and games. Her love and care helped me recover quickly, and I was grateful for her support during that tough time.
Longer Answer:
Once, when I was about 10 years old, I came down with a severe case of the flu. I remember waking up in the middle of the night, shivering with a fever that seemed to engulf my entire body. My muscles ached, my throat was scratchy and swollen, and my head pounded with every movement. Even the dim light of my room seemed blinding.
As soon as my mother heard me stirring, she was by my side with a cool, damp washcloth for my forehead. She took my temperature and confirmed that I had a high fever. Despite the late hour, she immediately set about making me comfortable.
She fluffed up my pillows and tucked me in with extra blankets, leaving just my toes peeking out - just the way I liked it. Then, she brought me a hot cup of herbal tea with honey to soothe my sore throat. The warmth of the tea was comforting, and the honey coated my throat, providing temporary relief from the pain.
Over the next few days, my mother was by my side, tirelessly taking care of me. She made me homemade chicken soup, rich with nutrients to help fight off the infection. She made sure I stayed hydrated and took my medicine on time. She even read to me and played board games with me to help pass the time and take my mind off my sickness.
Her caring touch and unwavering support played a crucial role in my recovery. Thanks to her love and care, I was back on my feet in no time, ready to go back to school and play with my friends. I will always be grateful for how she took care of me during that time, showing me the true meaning of motherly love.
hope this helped :)