To find a value that is 62.4% larger than 380, convert 62.4% to the decimal 0.624, add 1 to get 1.624, and multiply it by 380 to get 617.12.
To calculate a value that is 62.4% larger than another value, you multiply the original number by 1 plus the percentage increase expressed as a decimal. In this case, to find a value that is 62.4% larger than 380, you would follow these steps:
Convert the percentage to a decimal, which makes 62.4% become 0.624.
Add 1 to the decimal increase to account for the original value, resulting in 1 + 0.624 = 1.624.
Multiply the original value by this sum, so 380 * 1.624.
To find a value that is 62.4% larger than 380, follow these steps:
Step 1: Calculate the increase: 62.4% of 380.
Increase = 0.624 * 380 = 236.32
Step 2: Add the increase to 380 to find the value that is 62.4% larger.
Value = 380 + 236.32 = 616.32
Therefore, a value that is 62.4% larger than 380 is 616.32.
Doing the multiplication:
380 * 1.624 = 617.12
Therefore, the value that is 62.4% larger than 380 is 617.12.