In the given expression, "847 × 3," the error is in the multiplication steps:
1. You correctly broke down 847 into its place value components: 800, 40, and 7.
2. You then correctly multiplied each component by 3.
The error is in the addition step:
You added the results incorrectly:
2,400 (800 x 3)
1,200 (40 x 3)
21 (7 x 3)
The correct addition should be:
2,400 (800 x 3)
120 (40 x 3)
21 (7 x 3)
Now, adding these correctly:
2,400 + 120 + 21 = 2,541
So, the correct result for 847 × 3 is 2,541, not 3,621. The error occurred during the addition step.