DFD Context (Level 0) and Level 1 DiagramHere are the DFD Context (Level 0) and Level 1 Diagram for the Oman University loan process:
[Image of DFD Context (Level 0) and Level 1 Diagram]
DFD Context (Level 0)
External Entities:
Accounting Staff
Registrar Staff
Student Affairs Office
Apply for Loan
Verify Student Status
Issue Loan
Generate Loan Invoice
Make Loan Payment
Calculate Paid Loan Fees
Fully Paid Loan
Issue Summary Receipt
Print Clearance Note
List of Fully Paid Students
Data Stores:
Applicants File
Students File
Loan File
Loan Invoice File
Paid Loan Fees File
Student and Loan Files
Summary Receipt File
Clearance Notes File
List of Fully Paid Students File