Tabitha is thinking of a whole number that, when divided by 4, results in a decimal number between 8 and 9.
To find such a number, we can start by multiplying 8 by 4 to get 32. This means that any whole number greater than 32, when divided by 4, will result in a decimal number greater than 8.
Next, let's multiply 9 by 4 to get 36. This means that any whole number less than 36, when divided by 4, will result in a decimal number less than 9.
Therefore, the whole numbers that satisfy the given conditions are any number between 33 and 35 inclusive. For example, if Tabitha chooses the number 33, when she divides it by 4, the result will be 8.25, which fits the criteria of having one decimal place and being greater than 8 but less than 9.
In summary, Tabitha can choose any whole number between 33 and 35 to satisfy the given conditions.