Explanation: I'm not a deity but if there is it seems it answered your prayers.
Here is Your Answer: Human beings have told stories about heroes since back in ancient times heroes represent what is good and just to cultures that tell these stories and pass them on to future generations. The book of Odyssey named “In the One-eyed Giant’s Cave” portrays Odysseus as a heroic figure by emphasizing the traits readers might admire especially his commitment to his homeland and his bravery when taking challenges, this is what made Odysseus a hero figure in his homeland and comrades an example of his commitment to his homeland was during wartime he was responsible for saving the greeks with the idea of the trojan horse during the trojan war. That idea was so good that helped the Greeks to win the war. He was able to overcome this extremely dangerous war.
Odysseus was a great leader his soldiers were willing to follow him everywhere for example in the danger of Scylla and Circe his men stuck with Odysseus because he had earned their loyalty and devotion. In the Cyclops' cave. Odysseus' men were panicked but Odysseus kept his cool as a leader, using his intelligence Odysseus told the Cyclops that his name was nobody and used his men as sheep is that he and his men were let out of the cave.
Odysseus went through a series of trials and tests which made him stronger. When he goes wandering with his men, in that trial he attains wisdom this wisdom that he obtains helps him prepare to be a great king and a warrior which helps later in his life. He goes through several trials of tests some of them were cyclones, cyclops, the storm that was sent by Poseidon, and being captured by the sirens he got past all of these challenges, and because he passed these tests is what made him a stronger person.