Answer: I can help you solve this crossword puzzle from the picture. The verbs pedir and venir are both stem-changing verbs in Spanish, which means that they change their vowel in the stem when conjugated in some forms. Pedir is an e-i stem-changing verb, so the e in the stem becomes i when it is stressed. Venir is an e-ie stem-changing verb, so the e in the stem becomes ie when it is stressed14. Here are the conjugations of these verbs in the present tense1:
Subject pedir (to order) venir (to come)
yo pido vengo
tú pides vienes
él, ella, usted pide viene
nosotros pedimos venimos
vosotros pedís venís
ellos, ellas, ustedes piden vienen
Using this information, we can fill in the crossword puzzle as follows:
Pedir and Venir Stem Changing Verb Assignment ACROSS
you order -> pides
he orders -> pide
he comes -> viene
we come -> venimos DOWN
we order -> pedimos
I come -> vengo
they order -> piden
I hope this helps you with your assignment.