In scientific notation, we represent numbers as a product of a decimal number between 1 and 10, multiplied by a power of 10. This allows us to express very large or very small numbers in a compact and standardized format.
To express 5,806 in scientific notation, we need to move the decimal point to the left so that the number becomes a value between 1 and 10. The number of places we move the decimal point determines the power of 10.
Here's how we can do it step by step:
1. Start with the given number, 5,806.
2. Move the decimal point to the left until the number becomes a value between 1 and 10. In this case, we need to move the decimal point three places to the left.
- 5,806.0 -> 580.60 -> 58.06 -> 5.806
3. Count the number of places you moved the decimal point. In this case, we moved it three places to the left.
4. Write the number as a product of the decimal number and 10 raised to the power of the number of places you moved the decimal point.
- 5.806 x 10^3
Therefore, 5,806 in scientific notation is 5.806 x 10^3.
Remember, scientific notation is a useful way to represent large or small numbers and make them easier to work with in calculations and comparisons.
sorry i got it wrong i just learned this so i dont know i though AI was right