Sand dunes
Step-by-step explanation:
Sand dunes are created through the accumulation and deposition of sand-sized sediment particles by wind. Here's how it works:
1. **Erosion:** In deserts, the constant wind can erode rocks and other surfaces into small sand-sized particles.
2. **Transport:** These sand particles are then carried by the wind over time. Wind acts as a transporting agent, moving the sand grains from one place to another.
3. **Deposition:** When the wind slows down or encounters an obstacle, it deposits the sand grains. This often happens on the leeward side of larger rocks or obstacles where the wind speed decreases.
4. **Accumulation:** Over time, the deposited sand grains accumulate into dunes. As the process continues, dunes grow and change shape due to the ongoing deposition and shifting of sand.
These sand dunes are a classic example of sedimentary processes in desert environments, where the forces of wind play a crucial role in transporting and depositing sediment particles to form distinctive geological features.