PART B Directions: For each statement, determine whether it supports the viewpoint of the FEDERALISTS or
ANTI-FEDERALIST and which of the following essential concepts is being discussed
Essential Concepts
Extended Republic
House of Representatives
The Senate
The Executive
The Judiciary
A Bill of Rights
1. "The Senate creates a completely unequal setting for legislation. As it stands, the tiny state of Delaware
has as much representation in the Senate as a large and populous state like Virginia. How is this fair?
How is this democratic?"
2. "After our breakup (and war) with King George III and a few years back, why would we want another
king at the head of our new government? Supporters say that the president will be elected. I don't think
that means he won't go looking for a crown."
3. "I see no reason to restrict the representation of small states in the House. America deserves a
government with balanced state power, giving each an equal seat at the table."
"The states are, and should remain, the core of our republic. It is there that the people can be properly
represented. When states have to bend to the central government's will, the people will pay with their
5. "The common people do not have the refinement to participate directly in the government. A chosen
body of citizens will refine the desires of the masses and apply their wisdom to ruling the nation."
6. "A government simply cannot operate, provide critical services, and support a military without money. A.
reasonable amount of taxes is needed to maintain a functional federal government. The alternative is a
do-nothing government and non-existent national defense. Growth and improvement cost money, but
are worth the investment."
7. "Critics from both sides have complained about how slavery is treated in this proposed Constitution.
Some wanted more protections for the institution of slavery, while others wanted it abolished entirely.
The only way to move forward is to compromise. We must leave this debate to the future."
8. "The supporters of the Constitution do not believe a listing of the rights of the people is necessary. They
are wrong. We need a Bill of Rights to make sure the government doesn't take away our liberties."
9. "Opponents of the Constitution are trying to scare you away with unfounded tales about the judicial
branch. Here's the truth - this is the smallest and least powerful branch in the government. It cannot tax
you, command the military, or take away your rights. It is created to protect your liberty. Remember