King penguins, Are penguins and they face the follow challenges: Awkward Land Movement, Predators, Harsh Environmental Conditions and Rough Terrain
Step-by-step explanation:
Awkward Land Movement: Penguins are highly adapted for swimming, and their bodies are streamlined for efficient movement in water. On land, their bodies are less suited for walking, making them slow and clumsy. They have to waddle on their short legs, which can be tiring and inefficient.
Predators: Penguins are vulnerable to predators, both in the water and on land. On the beach, they may be exposed to potential threats such as skuas, gulls, or other seabirds that could prey on their chicks or even attack the penguins themselves.
Harsh Environmental Conditions: Beaches can have extreme weather conditions, including strong winds, heavy rains, and intense sunlight. Penguins may need to navigate these conditions while crossing the beach, which can be challenging for their sensitive skin and feathers.
Rough Terrain: Some beaches may have rocky or uneven terrain, which can be difficult for penguins to navigate. They may stumble or get injured while trying to cross such areas.
hope this helps!!