The best course of action for the IRB (Institutional Review Board) in this situation would be to choose option a. Table the protocol and ask the investigator to provide the needed information for review by the full board at the next convened meeting.
The IRB's primary responsibility is to protect the rights and welfare of human research participants. In this case, the committee recognizes that the risks to the children involved in the study may be more than minimal, but the proposal lacks sufficient information to make a final determination regarding these risks. It is crucial for the IRB to have a comprehensive understanding of the potential risks to the participants before making a decision.
By tabling the protocol and requesting the investigator to provide the necessary information, the IRB ensures that they have all the relevant details to assess the risks accurately. This information can then be thoroughly reviewed by the full board during the next convened meeting. This approach allows the IRB to make an informed decision based on complete information and uphold their responsibility to protect the participants' welfare.