Answer: 3 main ways below.
Step-by-step explanation:
1. The three main ways that culture is developed in a society are through material culture, non-material culture, and symbols.
Material culture refers to the physical objects created by a society that reflect its values, beliefs, and behaviors. An example from my culture is traditional clothing like the saree, which is worn by women during formal occasions and represents modesty and respect for tradition.
Non-material culture refers to the abstract ideas, attitudes, and beliefs that a society holds. An example from my culture is the concept of "Namaste," which is a greeting and farewell that symbolizes respect and humility towards others.
Symbols are objects, gestures, sounds, or images that represent something else. An example from my culture is the "Om" symbol, which represents the sound of the universe and is used in meditation and religious practices.
Formal norms are established, written rules that govern behavior in society, while informal norms are unwritten, but widely understood rules that govern behavior.
An example of a formal norm in my life is following traffic laws while driving. Violations of this norm can result in fines or even legal action.
An example of an informal norm in my life is shaking hands when meeting someone for the first time. Following this norm is seen as a sign of respect, while not doing so can be viewed as rude or unfriendly.
Sanctions for obedience or violations of each norm can vary. For formal norms, sanctions can range from legal punishments to fines, while for informal norms, sanctions may be less severe, such as social disapproval or exclusion from a group. However, in some cases, violating an informal norm can result in more severe consequences, such as being ostracized from a community.