To make a past tense sentence, you need to change the verb to its past tense form. The past tense form of regular verbs usually ends with "-ed" at the end of the verb, while irregular verbs have different forms.
Here are some examples of regular verbs in past tense:
- walk → walked
- talk → talked
- play → played
And here are some examples of irregular verbs in past tense:
- go → went
- eat → ate
- do → did
To form a past tense sentence, start with the subject followed by the past tense form of the verb. For example:
- I walked to the store.
- She talked to her friend yesterday.
- They played soccer last weekend.
It's important to note that some verbs have the same base form and past tense form (e.g. put, cut, hit), so you just need to use the verb in its base form to make a past tense sentence.
In addition, there are also helping verbs like "was" and "were" that are used to form past tense sentences for the verb "to be". For example:
- I was tired yesterday.
- They were at the park earlier.
By following these guidelines, you can easily make past tense sentences in English.