It is important to have knowledge of lie and troll factories when exposing fake news because these factories are often the source of deliberate disinformation and propaganda. Lie and troll factories refer to organizations or individuals who create and spread false information on a large scale with the intention of deceiving or manipulating people.
Exposing fake news often involves identifying the source of the false information, and understanding the tactics and strategies used by those who spread it. Lie and troll factories are known to use a variety of methods to spread false information, including creating fake social media accounts, using bots to amplify messages, and coordinating disinformation campaigns.
By understanding the methods and tactics used by lie and troll factories, those who are trying to expose fake news can more effectively identify and counter false information. This might involve using fact-checking tools and resources, monitoring social media and other online platforms for suspicious activity, and working with other journalists or organizations to verify information and expose disinformation campaigns.
Overall, having knowledge of lie and troll factories is an important part of the fight against fake news and disinformation, as it allows us to better understand how false information is spread and how we can best counter it.