How could you predict the probability of the player making at least one shot out of 3 foul shot attempts?
A Carry out 30 trials where 3 marbles are randomly pulled out of the bag with replacement. Count the number of successes and divide by 30 to estimate the probability of making at least one shot out of 3 foul shouts.
B Carry out 30 trials where a marble is randomly pulled out of the bag. Count the number of failures and divide by 30 to estimate the probability of making at least one shot out of 3 foul shouts.
C Carry out 30 trials where a marble is randomly pulled out of the bag. Count the number of successes and divide by 30 to estimate the probability of making at least one shot out of 3 foul shouts.
D Carry out 30 trials where 3 marbles are randomly pulled out of the bag with replacement. Count the number of failures and divide by 30 to estimate the probability of making at least one shot out of 3 foul shouts.