Here's an example RISC-V RARS program that converts a string to an integer:# load the string into a register
la x10, string
# initialize variables
li x11, 0 # result
li x12, 10 # base
li x13, '0' # offset for converting from ASCII to integer
# loop over each character in the string
lbu x14, 0(x10) # load the next character
addi x10, x10, 1 # move to the next character
beq x14, zero, done # if we've reached the end of the string, exit the loop
# convert the character from ASCII to integer and add it to the result
sub x14, x14, x13 # convert from ASCII to integer
mul x11, x11, x12 # multiply the result by the base
add x11, x11, x14 # add the converted character
j loop
# x11 now contains the integer value of the string
# do something with it here
In this program, we first load the string into register x10. We then initialize three other registers: x11 will hold the result, x12 is the base (in this case, 10), and x13 is the offset we'll use to convert from ASCII to integer (since the character '0' has an ASCII value of 48).
We then start a loop that will iterate over each character in the string. We load the next character using the lbu instruction, and then add 1 to x10 to move to the next character. If we've reached the end of the string (indicated by a null terminator), we exit the loop.
For each character in the string, we first convert it from ASCII to integer by subtracting x13 (the offset for '0'). We then multiply the result by the base and add the converted character. This is the same process used in atoi and strtol.
Once we've processed all the characters in the string, we exit the loop and the integer value is stored in x11. We can then do something with the integer value, such as store it in memory or use it in a computation.
Step-by-step explanation: