1.Radar Technology, Vaccines, Camera guided remote control bombers, and Antibiotics were innovations/inventions that became more widely used or understood during WW2.
2.Guam and Wake Island were the battles the US lost early in the war.
3.The forced 60 miles march of American and Filipino prisoners of war was the Bataan Death March.
4.Island-hopping was a successful military strategy because bypassing smaller islands that did not help them meet their specific goal, they did not waste resources and were able to get close to Japan.
5.The U.S. economy mobilized for World War II through government incentives inspired owners to convert their factories to wartime production, and many Americans purchased Victory Stamps and war bonds to help the cause.
6.The attack on Pearl Harbor led to the House and Senate voting to declare war.
7.The Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor to destroy ships and planes that threatened their expansion efforts and provoke the United States into declaring war.
8.The United States declared war on the Axis countries in response to the attack on Pearl Harbor.
9.Little Boy and Fat Man were the bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Island hopping was the way the US approached moving through the Pacific, the Manhattan Project was the research and production of the Atomic Bomb, ENIAC was the name of the first computer to complete complex calculations, and Enola Gay was the name of the plane that dropped radioactive bombs.
10.Japan's expansion in Asia made the United States firmly oppose its actions.
11.More than 7,000 American and Filipino troops died as a result of the Bataan Death March.
12.President Roosevelt enacted the embargo on naval and aviation supplies in 1940 to stop Japanese expansion.
13.America's presence in Guam and the Philippines and its support of China made Japan see the United States as a threat to its authority in Asia.