Based on your description, the strange young tree may exhibit several unique physical features due to the large tree that fell on it. Here are a few possible characteristics that you might observe:
Bent Trunk: The trunk of the young tree would be bent or curved towards the ground, where it would have been pushed by the weight of the fallen tree. This could create a distinctive arc or U-shape in the trunk, giving it a unique appearance.
Uneven Bark: The bark of the young tree might be compressed or crushed where it was in contact with the fallen tree, while other parts of the trunk could be relatively untouched. This could create an uneven texture or pattern in the bark, with some areas appearing smoother or flatter than others.
Angled Branches: The branches of the young tree might grow at an angle, rather than perpendicular to the trunk, as they attempt to find light and space in the forest canopy. Depending on the severity of the tree's bending, some branches may even grow downwards before turning upwards towards the sky.
Crooked Roots: The roots of the young tree may also be twisted or bent due to the impact of the fallen tree. This could affect the stability of the tree, as it tries to anchor itself in the soil with an irregular root system.
Overall, the strange young tree that you've come across in the woods would likely be a fascinating example of nature's resilience and adaptation in the face of adversity.
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