Answer:Loyalty is a virtue that is highly valued in human relationships. However, people often struggle with being loyal without their desires and self-interest corrupting their mind. It is natural for people to have personal interests and desires, but when they become the driving force behind loyalty, it can lead to corruption.
True loyalty requires individuals to prioritize the needs of others over their own interests. It demands selflessness, sacrifice, and commitment. Unfortunately, these qualities are rare in today's world where people are driven by materialism and selfishness.
It is possible for people to exhibit true loyalty without being corrupted by their desires and self-interests. However, it requires a strong sense of morality and a deep understanding of the importance of loyalty in relationships.
Ultimately, true loyalty involves putting the needs of others before one's own desires. If we can learn to do this consistently, we will be able to achieve true loyalty without having our minds corrupted by our selfish desires.