Our Sun is a piece of the Smooth Way cosmic system, which is a huge, turning plate of stars, gas, and residue that contains many billions of stars. Nebulae and worlds are likewise important for the bigger design of the universe, yet they are unmistakable from our Sun.
Nebulae are billows of gas and residue in space that can be the origin of new stars. Our Sun isn't right now situated inside a cloud, however it is accepted to have shaped inside a long time back.
Cosmic systems, then again, are huge assortments of stars, gas, and residue that are kept intact by gravity. Our Sun is one of the many stars that make up the Smooth Way cosmic system. The Smooth Way is only one of endless systems in the noticeable universe, each with its own exceptional attributes and properties.
In general, the relationship of our Sun with nebulae and cosmic systems is one of shared participation in the bigger design of the universe. While our Sun isn't as of now situated inside a cloud, it framed inside one, and only one of the many stars make up the Smooth Way cosmic system. Cosmic systems, including the Smooth Way, are only one piece of the immense region of the universe that contains nebulae, stars, worlds, and numerous other heavenly items.