You've been learning a lot of new words about food. For this activity, imagine you are visiting friends in the French speaking provinces of Québec, Canada. You've been invited over for dinner and would like to bring your favorite dish. However, you will need to go to the local grocery store with your list of ingredients in French.
1. Write the name of your favorite recipe or dish in French.
2. Include a list of ingredients in French that you need to create this dish. (at least 5). Be sure to include the appropriate French definite or indefinite articles.
3. Write 2 sentences in French why you like this dish. If you would like, you can elaborate further in English.
Submit your finished work in the space provided.
You will be graded on (a) appropriate use of grammar and vocabulary, (b) use of indefinite and/or indefinite articles, and (c) overall quality of the written response.