I. Introduction
Background and context of the literature review
Purpose and objectives of the literature review
Scope and limitations of the literature review
II. Literature Search Process
Sources of literature
Inclusion and exclusion criteria
Search terms and keywords used
III. Synthesis of the Literature
Major themes and concepts identified in the literature
Theoretical frameworks and approaches used in the literature
Key findings and conclusions from the literature
IV. Gaps in the Literature
Areas where there is a lack of research
Limitations and challenges of the existing literature
V. Implications and Applications
Practical and theoretical implications of the literature review
Recommendations for future research
Applications of the literature to the relevant field
VI. Conclusion
Summary of the main findings and contributions of the literature review
Final thoughts and suggestions for further research
Step-by-step explanation:
Remember, this is just a basic outline, and the structure and content of your literature review may vary depending on your research question, methodology, and the specific field you are studying.